Born in Verona 30.03.1958
1977 Diploma in Surveying
1993 Degree in Architecture (110/110) - IUAV Venice
1988 - 1996 Technician for the city of Verona
1996 Private practice in urban planning and architecture
Dealing mainly with the design, construction supervision and technical advice for urban and building planning.
Most recent completed projects include the new Iveco headquarters in Verona and the restoration and functional recovery of the Ex Fiat garage in the historic centre of Verona.
2008 - publishes the novel 'Mari e Monte', a small depiction of memories and personal, free and passionate thoughts.
In the Friuli dialect "Mari" stands for mother, and “Monte” (mountain) is for me unequivocally Mount Buja, Colle di San Lorenzo.
That’s where I come from, although it is not where I was born.
Mari is therefore also intended as the mother land. More than a homeland. But “mari” (seas) is also intended with its full Italian meaning.
Many seas, only one Mountain.
When my mother, Santina, found out that I was putting together a series of notes, recollections and free thoughts to make a book, she did not want to be outdone.
Due to the same sense of competitiveness that unites us and divides us, as we have very similar personalities, she then wrote what she called an "essay".
When reading it I felt emotional for the many memories and personal events which I believe are particular to her generation.
So (for those who wish to read this book) you must really begin from there.
Simple and curvilinear shapes.
Faceless women who arouse and evoke strong emotions.
Sensual, in their elementary minimalism.
Bold, often primary colours, generated by an instinctive and passionate approach.
A pictorial journey, without any academic ambitions, started in 1995 and still evolving today.
A pleasant pastime for telling and expressing oneself through the use of pictorial metaphors.
A mix between the desire for communication and an introspective self-analysis.